- Python 2.7
- OpenVas 8
- OWASP ZAP 2.7.0 (https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/wiki/Downloads)
- Selenium Python (Firefox Webdriver) (https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases)
$ git clone https://github.com/anandtiwarics/archerysec.git
$ cd /archerysecurity
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python manage.py collectstatic
$ python manage.py makemigrations networkscanners
$ python manage.py makemigrations webscanners
$ python manage.py makemigrations projects
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python manage.py runserver
Note: Make sure these steps (except createsuperuser) should be perform after every git pull.Setup Setting
Zap Setting
- Go to Setting Page
- Edit ZAP setting or navigate URL : http://host:port/setting_edit/
- Fill all required information and click on save.
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