
幽夢影 張潮 少年讀書,如隙中窺月;中年讀書,如庭中望月;老年讀書,如臺上玩月。皆以閱歷之淺深,為所得之淺深耳。

[Ubuntu] 變更滑鼠指標大小

2012年11月13日 星期二

How To Change Mouse Cursor Size And Theme Under Ubuntu 12.10/12.04

Getting Started

Open the terminal and install "dconf-editor" with this command:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Start it now with this command:

dconf-editor &

Head to org >> gnome >> desktop >> interface, then in the left pane of the window, locate "cursor-size" which has a default value of 24.

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