-> copy certified working
-> write memory
-> copy working certified
Do you mean (1) save the config file on an external device sich as a pc or (2) simply write the configuration so its saved so it isnt lost when it is rebooted?
Taking (2) first...... when you add configuration and you wish to save, issue a write memory command. This saves the configuration to the boot.cfg (see below) file located in the switches working directory. For reference the switch has 2 x copies of this boot.cfg file, firstly in the working directory as previously mentioned and also in a second directory called certified. If you are happy that the configuration changes you have made is safe then you should also make the boot.cfg file in certified directory identicle to that of the working directory. For this you overwrite the certified boot.cfg file using the working directory copy by issuing the copy working certified command. Why are there 2 copies?...... this is fail safe allowing recovery if you are making potentially dangerous config changes, to understand this consider the following:
"when a switch boots it needs to boot into a configuration that it trusts, for this is uses a copy of configuration calledcertified, as the boot completes it compares the 2 boot.cfg files in certified and working, if both files are identicle then it assumes all is well and runs from the boot.cfg in working. If the 2 copies were not identicle then it assumes that there may be an issue and as such chooses the boot.cfg in certifed". Obviously this is the reason that you only issue the copy working certified when you are happy.
I could go on for pages on this topic and explain it fully but I will stop there.
(1) As previously mentioned the majority of configuration is stored in a file called boot.cfg. If you wish to back up your switch then you need to take a copy of this file.
The easiset way is using ftp as follows. It is assumed that you have allowed access to the switch via telnet/ ftp etc using the aaa authentication default localcommand when the switch was configured. If you have configured via console and havnt used this command then you will need to issue it to allow access via ftp.
Ok. Easiest method as follows, using windows PC. I assume that you have admin access either via the network or directly via a cat5 cable to one of the ports. Check, can you ping the switches IP? If yes procead as follows:
1. On windows PC go to the command prompt (Start/ Run / cmd [ENTER])
2. On the command line type ftp x.x.x.x [enter] (x.x.x.x is the IP address of your switch)
3. You should now get the prompt to enter username....enter your username
4. You should now get the prompt to enter password...enter your password
5. if logged in you should now type get boot.cfg c:\boot.cfg
6. you should now see something like x bytes transferred succesfully or soething similar
7. type bye to finish the ftp session.
8 You should now have a copy of the boot.cfg file on the root of your c:\ drive on the pc you are using.
Note when you enter via ftp, you go straight into the working directory hence why you can issue get boot.cfg.
Hope this helps you out.
Good luck
PS to put a config file back onto the switch use FTP again as follows:
1. On windows PC go to the command prompt (Start/ Run / cmd [ENTER])
2. On the command line type ftp x.x.x.x [enter] (x.x.x.x is the IP address of your switch)
3. You should now get the prompt to enter username....enter your username
4. You should now get the prompt to enter password...enter your password
5. if logged in you should now type put c:\boot.cfg boot.cfg
6. you should now see something like x bytes transferred succesfully or soething similar
7. type bye to finish the ftp session.
8. Now telnet to the switch from the command prompt telnet x.x.x.x [enter] (x.x.x.x is the IP address of your switch)
9. You should now get the prompt to enter username....enter your username
10. You should now get the prompt to enter password...enter your password
11. now issue the copy working certified command
12. now reboot the switch with the new config by using the reload all command.
13 The switch will now reboot using the new config file.
Good Luck